Since the last post, Zay has turned from a baby toothpaste butt dispenser to a well-rounded, handsome, hilarious little boy. He has a heart of gold and is so sensitive to his emotional surroundings. He asks intelligent questions, and makes intelligent arguments ("Uncle T once fell down a motorcycle and he got hurt and maybe there was blood everywhere so you can't be like him, okay?"). Gone are the days of poosplosions and random hair loss, but he has maintained his cheery side-grin and his satellite ears. He's also been promoted to BIG BROTHER! It's strange that our biggest interjection in their relationship has been telling him to lay off and kiss his brother a little less, or play with him a little gentler. There is no ill will, no jealousy, and he has had no issues with sharing our time with him. Well guess what, Zay? Now you will also have to share this blog with him!
Introducing for the very first time: VICTOR XAVIER YU born epidural free (not by choice) at Kaiser Hospital on 4/12/2018
Dealing with a second child has been a whole other beast in itself and I won't get into it too much today or else I'll never finish this post. I'll do a follow up next time but yesterday Victor aka VicVic aka Lil Vicious aka Tucan Vic aka what happened to that boy brrrrr! turned 5 months. Time has been racing by and hopefully this blog can serve as a stop sign for me to pause and reflect without letting everything turn into a blur.
Now, for my favorite part of any blog, book, or article: PICTURES!
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